Dear blog, i know i've been a bad blogger lately. it's not that i dont like you anymore, its just that i've been keeping myself busy.
since the last time i posted i have been for a short trip to Kuala Lumpur (KL). it was a fun trip. me, magnus, daniel, big sal and ze german was the line up for this adventure. we left campus late frday afternoon in two cabs heading for the maylasian border. when we got to the checkpoint there was a couple more people the the five of us that wanted to go away from singapore.
after alot of waiting and confusion we were in malaysia. later that night we found a somewhat sckatchy bus that was going to take us the 5 hour trip to KL. upon arival in KL we had no plan. the time showed 3 p.m. the first hostel we found was full. the second wasn't. perfect we take it! it turned out to be a pretty good hostel and we stayed there both nights.
our room at the hostal. 12 ringgits per night (24 kronor)
in the morning we set of to find chinatown and hellala gucci... and we did. there was a lot of haggeling that day. i ended up with a couple of t-shirts. in the afternoon we headed downtown to see the twintowers. it was ok. nothing speciall. then some beers at a reggae bar close to our hostel. the next morning we had an hour to do some more haggeling. then a bus trip back to singapore. this time on a super vip bus. nice.
Petaling street, chinatown, kuala lumpur where haggeling is the game.
Our super vip seats on the bustrip back to singapore. there was no trubble to fit a big swedish guy in that seat.
so, there has been almost a whole week of school also since the last post. i did my first presentetion here in singapore. all business dressed and everything. it didn't really go as good as i hade hoped. but hey, i can only pass or fail all my courses. good incetive to study hard. not. i'll get a new chans next week, when im doing another presentation in that course.
we're planing on having a crayfish party this weekend. that will be fun. going to ikea and buying some "snaps" and cray fish. i'll be back with some pictures from that later.
all and all im having a really good time here. allthough somdays i feel like i wanna lock myself in my room and be alone. or go home to sweden. but these days passes and then its all good again. i had a day like that this tueseday. but now im ok again.