lördag 30 augusti 2008


After a hard week of school, again came the weekend. like send from abowe. as stated in a privious post on this fine blog, this weekend would be spend by exloring tha island and the city of singapore.

to start off this expedition, me and my roomie magnus, decided to go and have malaysian food on fryday night. Malaysian satay. we took the train to clarke quay, wich is one of the most touristy areas in songapore. but it is really nice. here you can find food from all over the world and all the hippest clubs. our food was good. after dinner we went to seveneleven and got our self a beer. sat on a bridge and watched people walk by.

later we met up with acouple of other exchangestudents and went for a drink at a weard place caled the clinic. the name tells the theme of the place. it is decorated as a hospital. the tables was operating tables, the chairs was weel chairs and you could have your drink served in a IV-bag (dropp-påse). the waiters were wearing scrubs. it was kind of bizzare. but fun. after the drink at the clinic we went back to the bridge for another beer. then home to sleep.

today, saturday, we went to a technology fair . it was crazy. 6 floors of exhibiters and maybe a gezillion people trying to catch a glipse of the latest technology. they eaven had stages with models posing with a camera, like a cat-walk for gadjets. we didn't last long at the fair. so we went back home. but we did stop for some sushi on our way back. i think im learning to like it.

this eavning there was a whole bunch of us who went to the cinema. the americans was stoked on seeing Wall-e. an animated film about a little robot. usualy i don't like animated films. but this one was pretty good. it was cute. defenetly worth spending a couple of hours and ten S$ (50SEK).

so far its been a good weekend. tomorrow will eather be spend going to chinatown and little india, or with my head burried in my school books, we'll see.

3 kommentarer:

Anton sa...

Ja hitills låter det som om du inte pluggat särskilt mycket :P Men du har det trevligt iaf, det är ju huvudsaken!

Chris sa...

Stackars Matin, du verkar ha tunga kurser. Gissar att det inte är som i Sverige? Läskigt ställe ni var på btw, den där kliniken :S.


Louise sa...

hey love...låter som du haft en trevlig helg, tycker det e riktigt bra att du börjar gilla sushi, nu vet du middagen när du kommer hem :)Miss you so f-in much..ps Har fått skäll av Harte ikväll att jag skrivit på engelska åt dig, så nu e det svengelska, ikväll.. ds..Lots of kisses.. ps2 the pictures of the evening is deliverd at monday...ds2