torsdag 4 september 2008

going to redang

the reason why i don't post that often, during the weeks, is that it really doesn't happen that much on a regular day.

this week i'we had a couple group meetings. otherwise nothing special. i was supposed to go to the inline-hockey thing on tuesday. but it got canseled due to rain. too bad. maybe next week.

right now im doing some reaserch for a group project. we're having a panel discussion on the subject of super thin models.

im leaving for radang later today. i don't know that much about what it is. all i know is that it is an island in the northen part of malaysia. i hope that we will have luck with the weather. i need to work on my tan. it's starting to fade after a couple of weeks with rain.

anyways we're leaving singapore at 10 pm (22). and it is first a 9 h bustrip then the ferry for i don't know how long.

i'll be back mondy. hopefully i can post some good pictures from my weekend then.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

mmen lilla lilla martin! är du ute i den stora världen? fan va avis jag blir! Hopppas allt e bra!!!! själv krigar jag på här hemma me skola å coop... och om det glädjer dej så regnar det här med... jääla skiiit asså.
fridens liljor! från KARIn